The stone quarries form the backbone of NASSAR STONE’s business. It guarantees its clients better quality products, a higher degree of color uniformity, and above all competitive pricing.
NASSAR STONE currently owns and operates 15 quarries in Palestine, Jordan, and Oman which yield an annual production of 60,000 m3 of hard limestone and marble blocks.
The selective geographical territories make excellent resources for the wide variety of colors we offer in our collections.
Our environmental protection and sustainability policy means that our respect and care are present in all our activities.
The stone quarries form the backbone of NASSAR STONE’s business. It guarantees its clients better quality products, a higher degree of color uniformity, and above all competitive pricing.
NASSAR STONE currently owns and operates 15 quarries in Palestine, Jordan, and Oman which yield an annual production of 60,000 m3 of hard limestone and marble blocks.
The selective geographical territories make excellent resources for the wide variety of colors we offer in our collections.
Our environmental protection and sustainability policy means that our respect and care are present in all our activities.